Saturday, May 3, 2014

Day Two

The only best friend i had the only person i trusted with my feelings my insecurities can just walk away like nothing & this morning like always i feel like im bothering . It sucks because theres no one else i can talk to no one else i can share these moments i have with our daughter . Sucks to know he was never really my Best friend . Best friends stick together through everything no matter what happens but in this case he was someone i just forced to be with me until he got tired of being obligated five years later . Wish i would have thought like this 5 years ago and not spend all of these filling them up with memories and pictures .

Friday, May 2, 2014

New Me

Tonight i realize ima start new ! 
Forget about my past as much as i could & live something new . 
I wana fall in Love again you'd understand if you knew they story behind everything i've been through with my last relationship . Not only am i feeling kind of happy at the moment for some special reason im scared i'll get hurt again ' 
P.s - Goodnight 
Love, L.U

Another night

I would love to meet another person thats baring the same pain i am another night all alone . Not being able to sleep with one you most love . Even though if i asked him to come he would but this is day one of me staying strong to move on with my life 5 years and nothing has changed . I just cant understand myself to how i could love one person so much when all he's done is kill me on the inside now will i no longer be able to love ? This depression is killing me .